Award Hall of Fame

Extra Life Awards 2021


During our Extra Life events, we conduct a vote on the sign-in survey for different categories and award the winner with a trophy. Below are the winners from previous years.


  • Who is most likely to be the king Maker? Rob B
  • Who is most likely to stab others in the back? Safe B
  • Who is most likely to cry about a game? Rob B
  • Who is most likely to be a werewolf? Danielle K
  • Who is most likely to be the target in a game? Safe B
  • Who is most likely to play the slowest? Kirk M
  • Who is most likely to win a game? Safe B
  • Who is most likely to break/win a tie? Safe B
  • Who is most likely to play long games? Safe B
  • Who is most likely to be lucky during a game? Rob B
  • Who is most likely to be unlucky during a game? David M
  • Who is most likely to quote the rules? Mike T
  • Who is most likely to be the first player? Safe B
  • Whose milkshake brings all the boys to the yard? Mike C


  • Who is the most suspicious? Fran K
  • Who is the most trustworthy? Chris W
  • Who is the most aggressive? Fran K
  • Who funds the most Kickstarters? Mark J
  • Who is the most likely to betray you? Chris W


  • Who is the friendliest? Danielle K
  • Who is the luckiest? Fran K
  • Who is the best baddie? Mike C


  • Who is the quickest turn taker? Chris W
  • Who is the best teacher? Kirk M
  • Who is the best teacher? Amira M