This week the board game club will be meeting at
Enchanted Realms
6:00 PM
Last week we had a turnout of about 35-40 people.
Games played last meetup:
- Coup
- 7 Wonders
- Pixel Lincoln
- Escape: Curse of the Temple
- Pandemic
- Dixit
- Love Letter
- Betrayal at the House on the Hill
- Skull
- Other games I missed
This week the board game club will be meeting at
Enchanted Realms
6:00 PM
Last week we had a turnout of about 35 people.
Games played last meetup:
- 7 Wonders
- Zombies!!!!
- Robinson Crusoe
- Noir
- Cyclades
- Carcassonne
- Dominion
- Kojak: The Detective Game
- Jamacia
- Love Letter
- Small World
- Werewolf
- Other games I missed
This week the board game club will be meeting at
Enchanted Realms
6:00 PM
Last week we had a turnout of about 40 people.
Games played last meetup:
- 7 Wonders
- Hanabi
- Walk the Plank
- Cosmic Encounter
- The Resistance
- Zombies!!!!
- Battlestar Galactica
- Glory to Rome
- Saint Petersburg
- Betrayal at House on the Hill
- Formula D
- Splendor
- Scotland Yard
- Wits and Wagers
- Other games I missed
This week the board game club will be meeting at
Enchanted Realms
6:00 PM
Games played last meetup:
- Cosmic Encounter
- The Resistance
- Bang! The Dice Game
- Power Grid
- Zombies!!!!
- Battlestar Galactica
- Munchkin
- Smash Up
- Zombicide
- Other games I missed