This week the board game club will be meeting at
Enchanted Realms
6:00 PM
Last week we had a turnout of about 25-30 people.
Games played last meetup:
- Coup
- The Resistance: Avalon
- Flash Point
- Munchkin
- Hyperborea
- Concept
- Lords of Vegas
- Two Rooms and a Boom
- Other games I missed
This week the board game club will be meeting at
Enchanted Realms
6:00 PM
Last week we had a turnout of about 30-35 people.
Games played last meetup:
- Coup
- Love Letter
- Cosmic Encounter
- Forbidden Desert
- Concept
- Battlestar Galactica
- Risk Legacy
- Shinobi Clans
- Werewolf
- Other games I missed
This week the board game club will be meeting at
Enchanted Realms
6:00 PM
Last week we had a turnout of about 30-35 people.
Games played last meetup:
- BattleCON
- Ladies and Gentlemen
- Jamaica
- Risk Legacy
- Smiley Face
- Tiny Epic Kingdoms
- Gears of War
- Dead of Winter
- Terra Mystica
- Lords of Vegas
- Legendary
- Werewolf
- Other games I missed
This week the board game club will be meeting at
Enchanted Realms
6:00 PM
Last week we had a turnout of about 25-30 people.
Games played last meetup:
- Cosmic Encounter
- Legendary Encounters
- Lords of Xidit
- Skull & Roses
- The Resistance
- Coup
- Other games I missed
This week the board game club will be meeting at
Enchanted Realms
8:00 PM
Last week we had a turnout of about 30 people.
Games played last meetup:
- ge of War
- Shinobi Clans
- BattleCON
- Dixit
- Dark Darker Darkest
- Imperial Settlers
- Skull
- Abyss
- Lords of Vegas
- Other games I missed