October 2016 Meetups

October 29, 2016 Meetup

This week the board game club will be meeting at Enchanted Realms at 12:00 PM

Due to issues, Brian will not be relocating the store until sometime after the new year. We will revert back to meeting at Enchanted Realms.


This week is Halloween Weekend! Feel free to dress up and play spoooooky games. Games may include (depending on if people bring and are willing to run them) Eldritch Horror scenario, Mansions of Madness, Ghost Stories, Betrayal at the House on the Hill, Fury of Dracula, Werewolf etc and finish with a special game of Wits and Wagers.


November 19th will be our 24 hour Extra Life gaming marathon for charity.


Last week we had a turnout of around 30 people at Rocky Mountain Brewery.

October 22, 2016 Meetup

This week the board game club will be meeting at Rocky Mountain Brewery at 6:00 PM

This should be the last temporary location since Brian should be done moving by next weekend.


October 29th is the Saturday before Halloween. Any thoughts on doing a potluck? Feel free to dress up and play spoooooky games. Games may include (depending on if people bring and are willing to run them) Eldritch Horror scenario, Mansions of Madness, Ghost Stories, Betrayal at the House on the Hill, Fury of Dracula, Werewolf etc and finish with a special game of Wits and Wagers.


November 19th will be our 24 hour Extra Life gaming marathon for charity.


Last week we had a turnout of around 30 people at Rocky Mountain Brewery.

Games played last meetup:
  • Robinson Crusoe
  • Skull
  • Cyclades
  • Exploding Kittens
  • Other games I missed

October 15, 2016 Meetup

This week the board game club will be meeting at Rocky Mountain Brewery at 6:00 PM

I spoke with Brian and he says he should be settled into the new location by next weekend.


October 29th is the Saturday before Halloween. Feel free to dress up and play spoooooky games. Games may include (depending on if people bring and are willing to run them) Mansions of Madness, Ghost Stories, Betrayal at the House on the Hill, Fury of Dracula, Werewolf etc.


November 19th will be our 24 hour Extra Life gaming marathon for charity.


Last week we had a turnout of around 30 people at Rocky Mountain Brewery.

Games played last meetup:
  • T.I.M.E. Stories
  • Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle
  • Epic Spell Wars
  • AssassinCon
  • Deception: Murder in Hong Kong
  • Other games I missed

October 9, 2016 Meetup

This week the board game club will be meeting at Rocky Mountain Brewery at 6:00 PM

We will be meeting at Rocky Mountain Brewery at 6PM until Enchanted Realms has moved to the new location.


Sorry for the lack of updates. There was an issue with the website and I haven't really had a chance to get it up and running until recently.


Last week we had a turnout of around 35 people.

Games played last meetup:
  • Tragedy Looper
  • Mice & Mystics
  • Sheriff of Nottingham
  • Tiny Epic Western
  • AssassinCon
  • Other games I missed