This week the board game club will be meeting at Enchanted Realms at 6:00 PM
Last week we had a turnout of about 45-50 people for our Extra Life event. We raised $1,200 for the Children's Miracle Network!
Games played last meetup:
- Saboteur
- BattleCon
- Ca$h ‘n Guns
- Castles of Burgundy
- Cosmic Encounter
- Coup
- Dead of Winter
- Dixit
- Lost Legacy
- Power Grid
- 7 Wonders
- Tokaido
- Eldritch Horror
- Smiley Face
- Thunderstone Advance
- Scotland Yard
- Skull
- Two Rooms and a Boom
- Werewolf
- Mascarade
- The Resistance
- Betrayal at House on Hill
- Space Hulk
- Lords of Waterdeep
- Pandemic
- Other games I missed